Fun with DIY Homemade Non-toxic Playdough!

Do you ever find that you are running out of ideas for things to do on those rainy weekends in the fall??? There’s only so many puzzles you can do or legos to build.  Here’s another AWESOME, super easy and FREE activity you can do with your kiddos.  I did this with my little munchkins and they absolutely loved it.  Better yet, it uses all safe, non-toxic ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard! I think I made my batch more than a month ago and it is still as soft and fresh as the day I made it. Just be sure to store it in a tight sealed ziplock bag or tupperware.


Here’s the recipe:

1 cup flour
1/3 cup salt
1/2 cup water
2 teaspoons canola oil


Posted in BLOG.

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